List (FPScript)


Generates a list.


List(Name1, Element1 [, ... , NameN, ElementN])


The syntax of the List function consists of the following parts:




The number of elements with which the list is to be created. If you pass a list, its number of elements is used.

Permitted data structures are scalar value und list. All data types are permitted.

Name1, ..., NameN

Name of the list element.

Permitted data structures are scalar value. Supported data types are string.

Element1, ..., ElementN

Value and, if applicable, unit of the list element.

All data structures are allowed. All data types are permitted.


Creates a list from pairs of names and values or using a reference list. The result is the created list. Unlike the list operator, this function can be used to create lists whose element names are strings.

If you specify only a list as the argument, a list will be created with the same number of elements, but no element names will be assigned. The element data will not be copied. This variant is ideal for preparing a result list.

If you call the function without arguments, a list with no elements is returned.

Available in

FlexPro View, Basic, Professional, Developer Suite


List("Mean", 1.2 V, "Sigma", 0.01 V)

Results in [<Mean>, 1.2 V, <Sigma>, 0.01 V].

Dim Data = [Signal1, Signal2]
Dim Result = List(Data)
Parallel For Each Element i in Result Do
Result. = Histogram(Data., (31n, Minimum(Data.) + Range(Data.) / 32., Range(Data.) / 32.))
AssignHeader(Result, This, Data)

Returns a list with histograms that have a class division based on the particular data set and which therefore have to be calculated individually.

See Also

ListElementNames Function

AssignHeader Function

ListToSeries Function

SeriesToList Function

Data Structures

List Operator

List Element Operator

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