SeriesToList (FPScript)


Converts a one or two dimensional data set into a list whose number of elements corresponds to the number of values or columns in the data set.


SeriesToList(DataSet [ , Names ])


The syntax of the SeriesToList function consists of the following parts:




The data set whose values are to be converted into list elements.

Permitted data structures are data series, data matrix, signal, signal series, signal series with two-dimensional X-component und space curve. All data types are permitted.


A string with a single element name, a data series with multiple element names, or a list from which the element names are to be taken. If you omit the argument or specify too few names, element names are formed from the name of DataSet by appending an index.

Permitted data structures are data series und list. Supported data types are string.


Takes values or, in the case of a two-dimensional data structure, columns from DataSet and assembles a list composed of pairs of names and values. The result is the created list. If the DataSet argument is a data series, then the list elements are scalar values. If it is a data matrix, then the list elements are data series. If it is a signal or a space curve, then the list elements are signals or space curves with one value each. If it is a signal series, then the list elements are signals.

Available in

FlexPro View, Basic, Professional, Developer Suite


SeriesToList(DataSeries, {"A", "B"})

Assuming DataSeries has three values, the result is a list with 3 elements. The first two are called "A" and "B" and the third is called "DataSeries[2]".

See Also

ConcatenateList Function

ListToSeries Function

ListElementNames Function

AssignHeader Function

Data Structures

List Operator

List Element Operator

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