Manually Creating an Excel Data Link


If you are creating an Excel data link manually, you can specify the cell or cell range in the Excel workbook for each data element. Do the following:

1.If necessary, open the Excel workbook folder and then double-click on the name of the associated Excel workbook to which you want to link.

2.Click Insert[Data] > Excel Data. The Excel data link will now be created. A dialog box appears, allowing you to assign cells or cell ranges for the individual elements.

3.In the Create Excel Data Link Object dialog box, place the cursor on the field with the cell or cell range you want to assign.

4.In the Excel workbook, select the cell range or the cell you want to assign to the field selected. FlexPro then enters the cell reference of the selection into the field, e.g. Sheet1!B3:B11.

5.Once you have set the cell ranges for the data, you should test whether your selection returns a valid result. This is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.

Note:   If comments and physical units are not included in your Excel workbook, you can also enter these manually or leave the fields blank. If the units in brackets are attached to the table titles, e. g. Time, you can still select the cell. FlexPro automatically extracts only the unit and ignores the name and the brackets.

See Also

Data Import

Excel Data Link

Troubleshooting Excel Communications

Creating Excel Data Links via the Clipboard

Using Drag-and-Drop to Create Excel Data Links

Analyzing and Presenting Excel Data

Converting Excel Data Links into Data Sets

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