StringMid (FPScript)


Takes a substring out of a string starting from a particular position.


StringMid(String, Position [ , Length ])


The syntax of the StringMid function consists of the following parts:




String from which a substring is to be taken.

Permitted data structures are scalar value, data series und data matrix. Supported data types are string.


The position from which the extraction of the substring is to start. The first position in the string is hereby defined as position "0".

Permitted data structures are scalar value, data series und data matrix. All integral data types are permitted.


The length of the substring. The argument is optional. If you omit it, the rest of the string is extracted from the specified position rightward.

Permitted data structures are scalar value, data series und data matrix. All integral data types are permitted.


The data type of the result is always string.

The structure of the result corresponds to that of the argument String.

If the length specified exceeds the end of the string, the rest of the string is extracted from the specified position rightward. If the length is less than or equal to zero, an empty string is returned.

If the String argument is a data series or data matrix, the calculation is performed on a per-element basis and the result is either a data series or a data matrix. If the Position argument is a data series or data matrix, then the Position must match the String argument in the number of rows and, if applicable, number of columns. This applies to the Lengthargument.

If an argument is a list, then the first element in the list is taken. If this is also a list, then the process is repeated.

Available in

FlexPro Basic, Professional, Developer Suite


StringMid("This is an example", 11)

Returns the substring "example".

StringMid("This is an example", 5, 2)

Returns the substring "is".

StringMid({"001-M75_PQ", "002-M33_PQ", "003-M49_PQ"}, 4)

Results in the data series {"M75_PQ", "M33_PQ", "M49_PQ"}.

StringMid({"001-M75_PQ", "002-M33_PQ", "003-M49_PQ"}, 4, 3)

Results in the data series {"M75", "M33", "M49"}.

Dim names = {"4-M75_PQ", "13-M633_PQ", "19-M11850_PQ"}
Dim pos1 = StringFind(names, "-") + 1n
Dim pos2 = StringFind(names, "_")
return StringMid(names, pos1, pos2 - pos1)

Results in the data series {"M75", "M633", "M11850"}.

See Also

StringLeft Function

StringRight Function

StringFind Function

StringReverseFind Function

StringConcat Function

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