StringConcat (FPScript)


Appends multiple strings to each other.


StringConcat(String1 [, ... , StringN])


The syntax of the StringConcat function consists of the following parts:



String1, ..., StringN

The strings connected to each other.

Permitted data structures are scalar value, data series und data matrix. Supported data types are string.


The result always has the data type string.

The result is a string that occurs due to linking the individual strings together.

If one argument is a data series or data matrix, the calculation is performed on a per-element basis and the result is either a data series or a data matrix. If multiple arguments have the structure of a data series or data matrix, their number of rows or possibly number of columns must match.

Available in

FlexPro Basic, Professional, Developer Suite


StringConcat("Flex", "Pro")

Results in "FlexPro".

Dim signals = {"Voltage", "Current", "Power"} Dim measurements = {"M101", "M482", "M712"} StringConcat(signals, " from ", measurements)

Results in {"Voltage from M101", "Current from M482", "Power from M712"}.

See Also

StringSet Function

StringReplace Function

Concatenation Operator

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