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No pull-down menu access in Excel workbook
- Dieses Thema hat 2 Antworten sowie 2 Teilnehmer und wurde zuletzt vor vor 16 Jahren, 2 Monaten von
norbert.bakkers@lr.org aktualisiert.
Oktober 9, 2008 um 8:59 pm Uhr #12598
TeilnehmerWhen adding an Excel workbook to my Flexpro database I do get the excel pull-down menu in the top of the screen but when I click on any item in this menu I do not get the pop up part of the pull-down menu. I have reinstalled Flexpro 7 but this had no effect. All the Excel toolbar items do work. I currently use Excel 2003 SP2.
How can I solve this problem?Oktober 9, 2008 um 8:59 pm Uhr #8261norbert.bakkers@lr.org
TeilnehmerWhen adding an Excel workbook to my Flexpro database I do get the excel pull-down menu in the top of the screen but when I click on any item in this menu I do not get the pop up part of the pull-down menu. I have reinstalled Flexpro 7 but this had no effect. All the Excel toolbar items do work. I currently use Excel 2003 SP2.
How can I solve this problem?Oktober 15, 2008 um 8:36 pm Uhr #8962Bernhard Kantz
TeilnehmerWe are able to reproduce this problem.
It will be fixed in the next release. -
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