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Get the formula of an analysis object

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  • #12531

    While I can find the Standard Deviation OBJECT, I cannot find a function for Standard Deviation in FP_Script. I need to do this as a function over several averaged signals. Does anyone know how to get to this?


    While I can find the Standard Deviation OBJECT, I cannot find a function for Standard Deviation in FP_Script. I need to do this as a function over several averaged signals. Does anyone know how to get to this?

    Bernhard KantzBernhard Kantz

    An analysis object contains a hidden formula, which is automatically created. You can set the parameters for the analysis object using its Properties dialog box. The formula is then automatically updated. Analysis objects thus offer automated analyses without any programming.
    Click with the right mouse button on the analysis object and click Open in the context menu you will see the formula of the analysis object. With Convert into formula you can convert the analysis object in a FPScript formula.


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