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Extracting Events from One Signal, applying Time to Another
- Dieses Thema hat 4 Antworten sowie 2 Teilnehmer und wurde zuletzt vor vor 14 Jahren, 8 Monaten von
John Huxtable aktualisiert.
April 9, 2010 um 7:57 pm Uhr #12568
John Huxtable
MitgliedI have speed data from two fans. I use a formula to calculate the difference between them and event isolation to determine times when this difference is greater than +/- 30 rpm.
I then wish to use the associated time stamps to observe the vibration responses when the fan speed difference is greater than +/- 30 rpm.
The raw data are in separate signals but all have the same time base. I am using version 8.0.24 standard
April 9, 2010 um 7:57 pm Uhr #8231John Huxtable
MitgliedI have speed data from two fans. I use a formula to calculate the difference between them and event isolation to determine times when this difference is greater than +/- 30 rpm.
I then wish to use the associated time stamps to observe the vibration responses when the fan speed difference is greater than +/- 30 rpm.
The raw data are in separate signals but all have the same time base. I am using version 8.0.24 standard
April 9, 2010 um 8:29 pm Uhr #8914Bernhard Kantz
TeilnehmerFor this you can use the index operator.
Dim idx = ValuesInInterval(Speed1 - Speed2, -30, 30, EVENT_INDEX + EVENT_COMPLEMENT) Speed1.X[idx]
April 9, 2010 um 9:53 pm Uhr #8915John Huxtable
MitgliedI think I see how that gets me the time stamps in “speed1” but how do I apply this to “response1”?
April 10, 2010 um 12:42 am Uhr #8916Bernhard Kantz
TeilnehmerIf you have a FPScript formula IDX which calculates the indices you can create an additional formula. This formula creates a signal with the y-values of the data set ‘response1’ and the x-values of ‘speed1’.
Signal(response1[IDX], speed1.X[IDX]
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