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Display Two curves on the same figure

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  • #28266


    I would like to know the script to display two or more curves on the same figure. This leas to 2 figures : Return [<Sig> Signal(sig, time) , <Envelop> Signal(env, time)]


    • Dieses Thema wurde geändert vor 4 Jahren, 6 Monaten von Zoé SIGRISTZoé SIGRIST.
    Bernhard KantzBernhard Kantz

    The operator creates a list of one or more elements specified. Details can be found in the online help. Lists can be treated as one dynamic curve (with a graph for each element) or multiple static curves in a diagram.

    If one just wants to multiple graphs depicted in a diagram, this can be achieved selecting multiple datasets when creating the diagram. It is also possible to add new curves to an existing diagram.


    Thank you for your anwser.

    However, I don’t succeed in making 2 curves in one diagram/figure by FpScript

    Could you please give me an example?


    Bernhard KantzBernhard Kantz

    Possibly it is a misunderstanding. With an FPScript formula, one cannot create, delete or change the properties (with some minor exceptions) of other objects. Thus it is not possible to create a diagram within FPScript code. But one can provide a list of two or more datasets in a formula that can be depicted in a diagram.

    It may be helpful to view this (french) introduction video (, where a second curve is added interactively to an existing diagram.

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