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Home > Community > General > How to import NextView file (.lfx) of BMC Messsyteme in Flexpro 9.1 > Antwort auf: How to import NextView file (.lfx) of BMC Messsyteme in Flexpro 9.1
Dezember 12, 2017 um 2:21 pm Uhr
It is a long time since your answer because I gave it up.
Now I need again to import .LFX files from NextView 4.
I try to do your procedure:
- download and install of “libad-actx-4.6.528.exe” on BMC website
- re-install Flexpro by choosing <strong class=”d4pbbc-bold”>BMC | NextView (it was enable in my case)
But it still does not work.
Version of Flexpro : 9.1.11 (64bits)