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Add a diagram to a document with VBA

Accueil > Community > Automation and VBA > Add a diagram to a document with VBA

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  • #12425

    I can read some properties of a page in VBA, such as the shape count, but I can’t add a 2DDiagramm to the page of the document.

    Here is my code :

    Dim obj As DocObject
    Set obj = ActiveDatabase.RootFolder.Object("diag", fpObjectType2DDiagram)
    'obj is the DocObject
    With ActiveDatabase.RootFolder.Object("doc", fpObjectTypeDocument)
        .Pages(1).AddDocObject(fpObjectType2DDiagram, 0, 0, 10, 10, "diag")
    End With

    The compiler talks about a syntax error, a ‘=’ would be required at the end of the lines.

    Any luck that someone can help me ? Thanks


    I can read some properties of a page in VBA, such as the shape count, but I can’t add a 2DDiagramm to the page of the document.

    Here is my code :

    Dim obj As DocObject
    Set obj = ActiveDatabase.RootFolder.Object("diag", fpObjectType2DDiagram)
    'obj is the DocObject
    With ActiveDatabase.RootFolder.Object("doc", fpObjectTypeDocument)
        .Pages(1).AddDocObject(fpObjectType2DDiagram, 0, 0, 10, 10, "diag")
    End With

    The compiler talks about a syntax error, a ‘=’ would be required at the end of the lines.

    Any luck that someone can help me ? Thanks

    Bernhard KantzBernhard Kantz

    In VBA you have to remove the round brackets if you don’t use a assignment:

        Dim oDiagram As Diagram2D
        ActiveDatabase.RootFolder.Add "Diagram", fpObjectType2DDiagram
        Set oDiagram = ActiveDatabase.RootFolder.Add("Diagram", fpObjectType2DDiagram)

    The Top value and the Bottom[/B] value of the AddDocObject and the AddRectangle Property should be negative:

        With ActiveDatabase.RootFolder.Object("doc", fpObjectTypeDocument)
            .Pages(1).AddDocObject fpObjectType2DDiagram, 0, 0, 100, -100, "diag"
            .Pages(1).AddRectangle 20, -20, 30, -30
        End With

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