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Accueil > Community > Automation and VBA > 2D_Diagramm mit VBA in Excel Tabelle einfügen > Reply To: 2D_Diagramm mit VBA in Excel Tabelle einfügen
July 11, 2023 at 8:36 am
Adrian Giurca
Hi Mario,
the following approach can be adopted:
Option Explicit
Public Sub ParseFlexProDatabase()
ProcessFolder ThisDatabase.RootFolder
End Sub
Private Sub ProcessFolder(ByRef oFld As Folder)
' versteckte Ordner (wie den Vorlagenordner) überspringen
' skip hidden folders (like the template folder)
Dim sExportFolderPath As String
sExportFolderPath = "D:\Export\"
If Not oFld.Hidden Then
Dim oObjs As FpObjects
Dim oObj As FpObject
Set oObjs = oFld.Objects()
For Each oObj In oObjs
If (oObj.ObjectType = fpObjectType2DDiagram) Or _
(oObj.ObjectType = fpObjectTypeColumnTable) Or _
(oObj.ObjectType = fpObjectTypeCellTable) Then
oObj.Export fpExportFormatJPEG, sExportFolderPath & Replace(oObj.FullName, "\", "_") & ".jpg"
End If
Next oObj
' Unterordner rekursiv bearbeiten
' Edit subfolders recursively
Set oObjs = oFld.Objects(fpObjectTypeFolder)
Dim oSubFld As Folder
For Each oSubFld In oObjs
ProcessFolder oSubFld
End If
End Sub