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Compatibility with HIOKI 8847

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  • #12806
    Nicolas SNicolas S

    I have the new version of Flexpro. I use it to process digital recordings. The recordings are performed by a digital recorder (Memory Hicorder HIOKI 8847) that can record up to 6 channels. The digital recorder creates a “.MEM” file with the 6 channels. Normally, in the file, there are 3 voltages channels and 3 currents channels. The present version of Flexpro is 9.1.4 and it should be now compatible with HIOKI 8847 but Flexpro doesn’t detect the voltage and current channels.
    What is the solution for Flexpro detects the different type of channels?


    Nicolas SNicolas S

    I have the new version of Flexpro. I use it to process digital recordings. The recordings are performed by a digital recorder (Memory Hicorder HIOKI 8847) that can record up to 6 channels. The digital recorder creates a “.MEM” file with the 6 channels. Normally, in the file, there are 3 voltages channels and 3 currents channels. The present version of Flexpro is 9.1.4 and it should be now compatible with HIOKI 8847 but Flexpro doesn’t detect the voltage and current channels.
    What is the solution for Flexpro detects the different type of channels?


    Bernhard KantzBernhard Kantz

    When you encounter problems while importing a specific file format into FlexPro, please send a small sample to support@weisang.com. We’ll try to clarify the undesired behaviour and to fix any errors involved.

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