XShift (FPScript)


Shifts the X component of a signal or signal series so that it starts with a given initial value.


XShift(DataSet [ , StartingValue = 0 ])


The syntax of the XShift function consists of the following parts:




The record whose X component, if present, is to be moved.

Permitted data structures are data series, data matrix, signal, signal series und list. All numeric data types are permitted.


The start value with which the moved X component should begin.

Permitted data structures are scalar value. All numeric data types are permitted.

If this argument is omitted, it will be set to the default value 0.


The result has the same structure as the argument DataSet.

The function transforms the X component, if present, according to: DataSet.X - DataSet.X[0] + StartingValue.

If DataSet is a data series or data matrix, then this is returned unchanged.

If the argument is a list, then the function is executed for each element of the list and the result is also a list.

Available in

FlexPro View, Basic, Professional, Developer Suite


XShift(Signal, 5.8 ms)

Shifts the X component of the signal so that it starts at 5.8 ms.


Shifts the X component of the signal so that it starts at 0.

XShift(Signal, '1.1.2021')

Shifts the X component of the signal so that it starts with the calendar time value '1.1.2021 00:00:00'.

See Also

XOffsetScale Function

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