Log10 (FPScript)


Calculates the logarithm to base 10.




The syntax of the Log10 function consists of the following parts:




The number for which the logarithm is to be calculated.

All data structures are allowed. All numeric data types are permitted, except calendar time und time span.


The result has the same structure as the argument Number. The calculation is done element by element where appropriate.

The result has the unit 1, if Number has a unit. Otherwise, it has no unit.

The real logarithm function with base 10 is calculated for a real argument. Number must then be positive. For each negative Number value, the function returns a void value. The result is of the 64-bit floating point value data type. The following illustration shows the course of the function:

If Number is complex, then the complex logarithm function with base 10 is calculated. The result is then of the complex 64-bit floating point value data type. The following illustration shows the course of the absolute value of the function:

If the argument is a list, then the function is executed for each element of the list and the result is also a list.

Available in

FlexPro View, Basic, Professional, Developer Suite



Results in 0.


Results in 1.


Results in ?.

20 * Log10(Absolute(FFTn(Signal))

Calculates a magnitude spectrum in dB. Note that before taking the logarithm, the absolute value of the complex spectrum must be formed so that the real format of the Log10 function is used.

Dim x
x = Series(0, 15, 0.1)
Signal(Log10(x), x)

Calculates a signal with the course of the curve in the interval [0, 15].

See Also

Exp Function

Log Function

Exponentiation Operator (^)

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