Logical Boolean NOT Operator (FPScript)


Carries out a logical Boolean NOT operation for an expression.


Not Expression

The syntax of the Not operator consists of the following elements:




An expression that results in TRUE, FALSE or any numeric scalar value. For the numeric result, all values not equal to zero are taken to be TRUE.


If Expression returns a list, then the first element in the list is taken, as long as it is not also a list. Otherwise, the extraction process is repeated recursively. All other elements of the list are ignored.

The result is the logical negation of Expression.

If Expression is a quantity, then it has to have the SI dimension 1 and it will be transformed to the unit 1 before conversion.

Available in

FlexPro View, Basic, Professional, Developer Suite


If Not HasVoidValues(Signal) Then



Carries out a block of code if the signal does not contain void values.

Not 2 Pi

Returns FALSE, since the unit Pi has the SI dimension 1 and 2 Pi transformed to the unit 1 results in the value 6.2831853, which is not equal to zero.


See Also

Bitwise Boolean NOT Operator

Logical Boolean AND Operator

Logical Boolean OR Operator

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