Creating a Diagram


1.In the Folders window, select the folder where the new diagram is to be placed.

2.Select the data you want to display as curves in a diagram. You can select data sets, formulas, analysis objects or a cell range in a folder's data view or in the window of an open data set. You can also use the range between the cursors of a diagram as data selection.

Note:   If you want to display measurement data located in a subfolder, first activate it to show the measurement data sets.

3.If you want to embed the new diagram into a worksheet or document, at this time click on the open worksheet or document window.

4.Choose an appropriate diagram from one of the galleries under Insert[Diagram] or click Insert[Diagram] -> Diagram Wizard if you want to create a special view, such as an XY diagram or a diagram with logarithmic axes. You can obtain additional information using Help in the Diagram Wizard.

Note:   You can easily create an embedded line diagram for a series of data sets by selecting the data sets in the Object List and using drag-and-drop to drag them into a document or worksheet.

See Also

2D and 3D Diagrams

Diagram Wizard

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