Adding a Curve to a 2D Diagram


The easiest way to add a curve to a 2D diagram is to drag the data set to be displayed as the curve with the mouse from the Object List into the diagram. If you use several Y axes, you have to drop the data set onto the Y axis that is to be assigned to the curve.

However, you can also insert an empty curve and then enter the data set manually:

1.If necessary, select the curve in the diagram that you want to use as a template for the new curve. If you do not select a curve, the curve selected as a template on the Curves tab of the Properties dialog box is used.

2.Open the list box under 2D Diagram Tools/Design[Diagram Layout] > Add Diagram Element and select Curve.

3.In the dialog box that then appears, enter the data set for the curve. You can also specify separate data sets for the X and Y coordinates of the points of the curve.

See Also


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