

This presentation object shows a block of text with embedded calculation results. You can freely format the text as you would in a word processing program. To display values and other information, insert fields into the text. These fields are later replaced by data from data sets or by other information.

Multi-Page Text

When you insert a text object into a FlexPro document, the text can be wrapped over several pages. Wrapping is automatic if the complete text does not fit into the rectangle placed on the first page.

See Also

Presentation Object


Working with Text

Creating Text

Editing Text

Deleting Text

Copying Text

Searching for Text

Searching and Replacing Text

Changing the Font, Font Style and Font Size

Changing Font Color, Text Highlight Color and Background Color

Formatting Paragraphs

Setting Tabs in Paragraphs

Creating a List

Inserting a Date or Time Field

Inserting a Field to Display Data or Other Elements

Inserting Fields for the Data Set Name, Value and Unit

Inserting a User Prompt

Post-Editing a Field Formatter

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