Using Startup Switches to Launch FlexPro


1.Do one of the following:

If you use Windows Start menu to launch FlexPro, use Windows Explorer to locate the FlexPro shortcut icon in the Start Menu folder of your Windows folder. Right-click on the shortcut icon, click on Properties and then click on the Shortcut tab.

2.Under Target, type a space after the path to the FlexPro program, and then type one or more of the parameters listed in the following table.

For example, to open the project database Measurement.fpd, type a space after the path and then type: C:\Project Databases\Measurement.fpd

To Start FlexPro and...


open a specific project database using a backup copy

project database path\file name or

/om:b project database path\file name

open a specific project database directly

/om:d project database path\file name

open a specific project database as read-only

/om:r project database path\file name

prevent display of the FlexPro startup screen and a new blank project database


specify the working folder

/path folder path\folder name

Note: The folder specified in the startup switch /path is used instead of the location specified in the Default working folder on the System Settings tab (File > Options).

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