CommentsX Property (FPScript)


Read access to the comments on a data object's X component. Read/write access to the comments on the current formula's X component.




[this].CommentsX = Comments

The syntax of the CommentsX property consists of the following elements:




Optional. The data object being accessed. If you omit this element, then the current formula is accessed. In the case of embedded FPScript you have to use the This keyword.


The string to be assigned as the comments for the X component of the current formula.


Write access to the header information of a data object is only allowed for the formula where the FPScript code is located. You should only use this option in embedded FPScript. For standard formula objects, you should edit the attribute on theGeneral tab of the Properties dialog box instead.

Available in

FlexPro Basic, Professional, Developer Suite



Returns a string with the comments on a data set's X component in the root folder.

.CommentsX ="Time"

Sets the comments on the actual formula's X component to "Time".


See Also

Comments Property

CommentsY Property

CommentsZ Property

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