Arranging Curves


Using your mouse:

Drag the curve to any other axis or, in the case of a diagram with stacked Y axes, to the diagram area spanned by the desired axis.

Using the diagram Properties dialog box:

1.If the diagram is in a document or a worksheet, double-click on the diagram to open it.

2D Diagram:

2.Use your right mouse button to click on the diagram. Make sure that nothing in the diagram has been selected.

3.Click on Properties in the context menu.

4.In the dialog box that appears, click on the Curves tab.

5.Select a curve from the Curves list.

6.Move the curve using the In Foreground or In Background buttons.

3D diagram displaying several data series or signals:

2.Double-click on the curve.

3.In the curve Properties dialog box that appears, click on the Data tab.

4.Select a data set in the list.

5.Move the data set to the background using the Up button or use the Down button to move it to the foreground.

In the 2D diagram using the Properties window:

1.Select the curve that you want to send farther back or bring forward, or select its axis label.

2.Enter a different value in the Plot order field of the Properties dialog box. Decreasing the value shown, sends the curve farther back. Increasing the value brings it forward.

See Also


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