CFC Filter Calculation


As a digital filter, a 4-pole Butterworth low pass filter is used with a linear phase and specific starting conditions.

The following difference equation describes the filter sequence:

The filter coefficients are calculated in accordance with ISO 6487:

When performing a calculating based on SAE J211, the following applies for the variable wd:



input data sequence


filtered output data sequence

a0, a1, a2, b1, b2

filter constants dependent on CFC


sampling rate in seconds


The difference equation describes a two-pole filter. To achieve a 4-pole filter, the data must pass through the two-pole filter twice: once forward and once backward. This prevents phase shifts.


ISO 6487:2002 (2002). Road Vehicles - Measurement Techniques in Impact Tests - Instrumentation.

SAE J211/1 MAR95. Instrumentation for Impact Test—Part 1—Electronic Instrumentation.

Arbeitskreis Messdatenverarbeitung Fahrzeugsicherheit (Study Group for Measurement Data Processing for Vehicle Safety, April 2005). Crash-Analyse, Beschreibung der Kriterien (Crash Analysis, Description of Criteria). Version 1.6.2.

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