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Bernhard KantzBernhard Kantz

You can import your measurement data with a FlexPro import filter and create a VBA macro which renames your objects. E.g. you could use the Objects property of the folder object to access the imported objects in the FlexPro folder.
Then you have the possibility to use the same templates for different measurements:
To do this, you set up several folders in the database. Each folder contains the respective data sets from a certain measurement. You create the document objects and analysis objects in the parent folder. Here, it is important that the data sets from the various measurements are always given the same name.
Now for example, before you update a document and thus trigger a calculation, activate the folder from which the data is to be taken using the (De)activate Folder command. All of the objects in the activated folder are then displayed in the parent folder. Therefore, FlexPro first searches in the activated folder for all data sets referenced in formulas, curves, etc., and then, if they are not found there, it searches within the parent folder.

See also
Flexpro Help
Creating Templates for Analysis
