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Here is my structure :

   |--- MyDiagram2D
   |--- First Folder
   |       |--- subFolder1
   |              |---subsubFolder1
   |              |---subsubFolder2
   |--- Second Folder
   |       |--- subFolder2
   |              |---subsubFolder1
   |              |---subsubFolder2

I want MyDiagram2D to be feed with data comming from subsubFolder1 AND subsubFolder2 of one of the subFolders depending on witch one (of the subFolders) is activated.
If i put

for curve 1 : ./subFolder1/subsubFolder1/MyXData
for curve 2 : ./subFolder1/subsubFolder2/MyXData

in the x-data set of my curves, it doesn’t work.
Could you please expalin me how is it possible.