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John RankinJohn Rankin

Thanks for your reply. I tried to do this with the tutorial on Harmonic Analysis. First I opened the tutorial, selected the signal, and then went into the tutorial. then I selected Harmonic Analysis->Harmonic Estimation->Next. After this, I selected the Automatic Algorithm, Sinusoidal model, Number of components=5, Result Type=Harmonic Components, Order=40. Then I made this into an object and I right clicked to change the result into a formula. I made the formula with HARMONIC_SINAD in it instead of HARMONIC_COMPONENTS. I tried to run the equation, but I get the error:

“Signal with 5 64-bit floating point points
Y: { 0.369031318186245, 99.9991436556994, 10.00005244987, 1.00008119777902, 0.100534077478114 }
X: { 0.418250567977595, 249.999924868928, 500.00019008423, 750.013003595175, 999.995493729113 }”

Can you help me?