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Universal file export
- Dieses Thema hat 2 Antworten sowie 2 Teilnehmer und wurde zuletzt vor vor 10 Jahren, 10 Monaten von
Charles Hertz aktualisiert.
Februar 5, 2014 um 9:24 am Uhr #12844
Charles Hertz
I am looking for a way to create a universal export. Whatever the current path where is located the .fpd, I would like to export a 2D curve on the current user desktop.
For the moment my VBA macro works but only for my personnal dasktop path :
ActiveDatabase.Objects(Array(“\path\name.2D”)).Export _
fpExportFormatEMF, “C:\Users\XXX\Desktop\name.emf”Does there exist a function which finds automatically the current user? Or a function which exports a .emf 2D curve on the current desktop used?
Thanks in advance.
Februar 5, 2014 um 9:24 am Uhr #8504Charles Hertz
I am looking for a way to create a universal export. Whatever the current path where is located the .fpd, I would like to export a 2D curve on the current user desktop.
For the moment my VBA macro works but only for my personnal dasktop path :
ActiveDatabase.Objects(Array(“\path\name.2D”)).Export _
fpExportFormatEMF, “C:\Users\XXX\Desktop\name.emf”Does there exist a function which finds automatically the current user? Or a function which exports a .emf 2D curve on the current desktop used?
Thanks in advance.
Februar 6, 2014 um 8:34 am Uhr #9340Bernhard Kantz
TeilnehmerThe Application object has a property UserName that you can use to build your desired Desktop path like “C:\Users\” & Application.UserName & “\Desktop\name.emf”.
The ActiveDatabase.Selection may be helpful for your general export task to let the user select the desired diagrams and export them to his desktop using a user-defined button associated with your macro. -
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